apron ideas!
Hey everybody! This party's about to get started -- in the meantime, how about a little inspiration...
Are you all ready to start thinking about aprons? Just remember, you'll need to keep your partner's mini in mind: what kinds of things they'll be doing and what sort of fabrics and colors they might like. (And don't forget, size will be important!) Since we're talking kids here, washable and dryable is probably a must -- a test pre-washing of fabrics, notions, and maybe even the finished apron may be a good idea here. (Although please use no scented products when washing & drying -- washing alone with no products at all is probably best!)

from Babyfairies' photostream on flickr
Some neat ideas I've found floating around the web:
How cute are these adorable kid's aprons from Furnis? I'm partial to the egg, but the cheese and duck are cute too!
"Apron-dresses" from L'oiseau Bateau - the design is great and the decorations amazing. Totally knock-off-able!
Isn't this little boy's art smock from our beloved Ticky Tacky awesome? (Pattern here and some girly versions here.)
Check out this sleeveless smock - I love the kappa pocket detail!
Don't forget the half-apron, it works surprisingly well on a little one -- this one was a birthday present for my mini from Mary Ann.
I am having real trouble finding a photo of the classic pullover Japanese art smock (the one that you will find in practically every Japanese pattern book) -- here's the best I could do. And how about the aprons on his two friends?
This Marimekko apron is a classic design in an eye-popping print - great idea!
And for a million other ideas (okay, 222 as of right now), check out kid's aprons on flickr.
Are you all ready to start thinking about aprons? Just remember, you'll need to keep your partner's mini in mind: what kinds of things they'll be doing and what sort of fabrics and colors they might like. (And don't forget, size will be important!) Since we're talking kids here, washable and dryable is probably a must -- a test pre-washing of fabrics, notions, and maybe even the finished apron may be a good idea here. (Although please use no scented products when washing & drying -- washing alone with no products at all is probably best!)

from Babyfairies' photostream on flickr
Some neat ideas I've found floating around the web:
How cute are these adorable kid's aprons from Furnis? I'm partial to the egg, but the cheese and duck are cute too!
"Apron-dresses" from L'oiseau Bateau - the design is great and the decorations amazing. Totally knock-off-able!
Isn't this little boy's art smock from our beloved Ticky Tacky awesome? (Pattern here and some girly versions here.)
Check out this sleeveless smock - I love the kappa pocket detail!
Don't forget the half-apron, it works surprisingly well on a little one -- this one was a birthday present for my mini from Mary Ann.
I am having real trouble finding a photo of the classic pullover Japanese art smock (the one that you will find in practically every Japanese pattern book) -- here's the best I could do. And how about the aprons on his two friends?
This Marimekko apron is a classic design in an eye-popping print - great idea!
And for a million other ideas (okay, 222 as of right now), check out kid's aprons on flickr.
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